ITSM Change Management Module

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Directly integrate the changes with service desk requests
The ITSM Change Management Module enables your organization to implement changes directly integrated with the service desk requests. It ensures that tasks are assigned for changes so users can execute changes efficiently. Maintain a record of all changes and create audit-ready reports for all changes.

ITSM Change Management Module

Track changes and assigns tasks to users to execute changes

Track changes and assign tasks to the users responsible for executing them. Automatically monitors the status of all pending changes to your IT systems and alerts administrators when a change has been completed incorrectly or is overdue.

Maintain a record of all changes

Maintain a record of all IT infrastructure, software, and operations changes. Maintaining an audit-ready list of all changes is crucial for compliance with internal and external regulations.

Execute preventive and corrective actions on failed changes

The module lets you quickly resolve a failed change by describing the problem, defining appropriate corrective action, identifying responsible parties, and tracking progress.

Get your organization ready for ISO standard processes

Get your organization prepared for the ISO standards: Manage an effective change control process, plan and manage changes, track the impact of changes, mitigate risks, and deal with changes that do occur.

Create audit-ready reports for all changes
In addition to tracking and auditing IT changes, the module enables you to create audit-ready reports for all shifts. Audit reports can be used to fulfill ISO 27000/27001 and ITIL requirements.

Transparent approval processes for changes

ITSM Change Management Module helps to ensure that changes are effectively managed and approved. It also provides a transparent process where all participants can follow the progress of the shift, notifying everyone involved and providing updates on the status throughout the project.

Execute issue investigations for failed changes

A seamless integration of the change request, issue management, and ITSM change analysis provides an overview of affected systems and business functions. It also allows to execute issue investigations for failed changes.
ITSM IT Service Management

ITSM Service Desk Module

Focus on solving tickets with a straightforward solution –

ITSM Service Desk is a ticket management

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