
Article • 02.08.2022 • 3 minute(s) to read


Checkboxes present one or more options, where the Users can select and un-select each of them separately. Each Checkbox is commonly linked to Attributes with the Data Type Boolean. If you have multiple Checkboxes, the backing Attributes or must be an Array.

Control properties

  • Id / Name - Identifier of the Form Control. Id / Name needs to be unique for all Form Controls on the same Form. Id / Name also binds the Form Control to an Attribute with the same name of the Variable backing the From. This means that the Form Control will load and show the value from said Attribute when the Form is entered, and that the value of the Form Control is stored in the Attribute when the Form is left by a Save or Sign and Save action. The Form Control can also be bound to an Attribute of a Variable other than the one backing the From by using the fully qualified name as Id / Name:

    A detailed explanation of the different linking mechanisms between a Form Control and an Attribute is given in the Variable and Variable Type configuration of the From Activity.

  • Label text - Caption rendered above the Form Control thus identifying it to the Users.

  • Disable control? - Makes the Form Control editable (No) or read-only (Yes). Be aware that the content of read-only Form Controls is not stored by Save and Sign and Save Actions in the linked Attribute.

  • Hide control? - Hides (Yes) or shows (No) the Form Control in the Form. Be aware that the content of hidden Form Controls is stored by Save and Sign and Save Actions in the linked Attribute.

  • Condition type - Allows you to hide or disable the Form Control based on a Form Control Expression evaluating to true or false:

    • Display - Hides the Form Control when the Form Control Expression evaluates to false and shows it when the Form Control Expression evaluates to true. Be aware that the content of hidden Form Controls is stored by Save and Sign and Save Actions in the linked Attribute.
    • Disable - Makes the Form Control editable when the Form Control Expression evaluates to false and makes it read-only when the Form Control Expression evaluates to true. Be aware that the content of read-only Form Controls is not stored by Save and Sign and Save Actions in the linked Attribute.
    • Display condition or Disable condition - The Form Control Expression behind the condition
  • Checkboxes - Here the available options for the this Checkboxes are defined. A new option is added by pressing Add checkbox:

    • Label - The text next to the option explaining it to the Users
    • Checked - Defines if the option is set or unset by default
    • - Delete the option
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