Task List

Article • 11.11.2023 • 2 minute(s) to read

Task List

The Task List Widget lists the current Tasks of a User. If configured, it also offers the possibility to delegate Tasks.

Widget properties

  • Widget version - Version of the Widget used in this Dashboard. If a new version of this Widget is available and you want to use it, you have to manually update the version here. When a new Widget is added to the Dashboard, automatically the latest version is placed.
  • Group by process - Configures if the tasks are shown as a flat list (No) or are grouped by their respective Processes (Yes).
  • Expand groups - Determines if the groups of tasked are collapsed (No) or expanded (Yes) when the Widget is loaded. This configuration only takes effect if tasks are shown as groups of their respective Processes, i.e., if Group by process is set to Yes.
  • Group count color - Sets the color of the task count shown when the tasked are grouped by their respective Processes. This setting only works when Group by process is set to Yes.
    • Primary is the primary color to highlight active setting in the color scheme.
    • Gray, Green, Blue, Red and Yellow can be selected to overwrite the primary color.
  • Enable delegation - Show (Yes) or hide the (No) the button to delegate a Task to another User. Be aware that showing the delegate button is not enough to configure the delegation. Also, the Delegation filter user groups and Delegation filter user groups, respectively, of the Form Activity needs to be configured to allow the delegation.
  • Process delegation filter - This configuration is only functional, if Enable delegation is set to Yes. Then, if this configuration is empty, Tasks of all Processes have a delegation button next to them. If one or more Processes are selected here, only Tasks of the selected Processes are having a delegation button next to them.
    • Add - Adds a Process to the delegation list
    • - Removes a Process from the delegation list
  • Notify on delegate - If set to Yes, the User to whom a Task is delegated to gets an Email notification about the delegation. The content of the email is configured via the Task Delegation template. No email is sent if set to Yes.
  • Process filter - Limits the shown tasks to Tasks belonging to certain Processes:
    • If no Processes are listed here, all Tasks belonging to any Processes are shown.
    • As soon as one or more Processes are configured here, only Tasks belonging the these Processes are shown by the Widget.
    • Add - Adds a Process to the filter list
    • - Removes a Process from the filter list
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