
Article • 05.11.2023 • 5 minute(s) to read


Countdown shows a timer counting down for a specified duration.

Widget properties

  • Widget version - Version of the Widget used in this Dashboard. If a new version of this Widget is available and you want to use it, you have to manually update the version here. When a new Widget is added to the Dashboard, automatically the latest version is placed.
  • Height - Height of the Widgets in pixels, e.g, 300px. If nothing is specified, the default height of the Widgets is used.
  • Background color - Color of Widget’s background, specified by its JavaScript name, e.g., Yellow, or by and hex RBG value like #ffff00. The default color is white.
  • Timer font size - Font size while the countdown is still ongoing specified in point or pixels, e.g., 12pt or 40px.
  • Timer font color - Font color while the countdown is still ongoing specified by its JavaScript name, e.g., black, or by and hex RBG value like #000000
  • Alert font size - Font size for the alert specified in point or pixels, e.g., 12pt or 40px.
  • Alert font color - Font color for the alert specified by its JavaScript name, e.g., red, or by and hex RBG value like #ff0000
  • Alert message - Text to show as the alert message.
  • Alert blinking background color (empty value = disable blinking) - If a color is specified in this field, the Widgets starts blinking by changing the background color between the color specified here and the Background color. Leaving this field empty disables blinking.
  • Start flashing before expiration (in seconds) - If there is blinking enabled in Alert blinking background color (empty value = disable blinking), the blinking can start before the countdown expires. This setting here specifies how long before the countdown runs out the blinking should start. Leaving this field empty results is equal to setting it to zero.
  • Title - Static title displayed above the timer. The title can also be obtained from the results of a Data Query by using Data query result as title (Data query column) instead.
  • Title color - Font color of the title specified by its JavaScript name, e.g., black, or by and hex RBG value like #000000
  • Data query result as title (Data query column) - Column name of the Data Query result proving the title to be displayed displayed above the timer. The title can also be set statically by using Title. If there are more than one rows in the specified column, the value from the first row is used.
  • Data query result as start datetime (Data query column) - Column name of the Data Query result providing the start time of the countdown. If this is left empty, the countdown starts when the Widget is viewed time by a User. The column has to be of DateTime2 data type. If there are more than one rows in the specified column, the value from the first row is used.
  • Data query result as end datetime (Data query column) - Column name of the Data Query result providing the time when the countdown expired. The column has to be of DateTime2 data type. If there are more than one rows in the specified column, the value from the first row is used. Data query result as end datetime (Data query column) is mutually exclusive to Data query result as absolute countdown minutes (Data query column) and Value as absolute countdown minutes.
  • Data query result as absolute countdown minutes (Data query column) - Column name of the Data Query result providing the countdown duration in minutes. Integer and Decimal values are allowed. If there are more than one rows in the specified column, the value from the first row is used. Data query result as absolute countdown minutes (Data query column) is mutually exclusive to Data query result as end datetime (Data query column)* and **Value as absolute countdown minutes**.
  • Value as absolute countdown minutes - Countdown duration set in minutes. Integer and Decimal values are allowed. This is mutually exclusive to Data query result as end datetime (Data query column) and Data query result as absolute countdown minutes (Data query column).
  • Show minus values if time is over - Configures if the countdown continues with negative values (Yes) once the duration is expired or stop at zero (Yes).
  • Data query - Data Query providing the duration configuration for this Widget.
  • Set data query parameters to fixed values (Key: data query parameter, value: fixed value) - Maps fixed values to the parameters of the Data Query that provides the data for the Widget:
    • Add - Adds a new Data Query parameter mapping
    • Key - Name of the Data Query parameter, i.e, target of the mapping
    • Value - Value of the Data Query parameter entered directly here, i.e., source of the mapping
    • - Removes the Data Query parameter mapping
  • Set data query parameters to dashboard parameters (Key: data query parameter, value: dashboard parameter) - Maps Dashboard Parameter to the parameters of the Data Query:
  • Refresh if entities of following entity types are modified - If any Entity of the Entity Type specified here is modified, changed, deleted or created, the Chart is automatically reloaded.
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