Data Explorer

Article • 05.11.2023 • 6 minute(s) to read

Data Editor

The Data Explorer allows you to browse though the Entities of a specific Entity Type. If configured, also the Instances that modified the Entities can be inspected.

Widget properties

  • Widget version - Version of the Widget used in this Dashboard. If a new version of this Widget is available and you want to use it, you have to manually update the version here. When a new Widget is added to the Dashboard, automatically the latest version is placed.
  • Entity type - Entity Type this Widget interacts with.
  • Filter by fixed value (Key: attribute name, value: fixed value) - If no filter is set, all Entities of the selected Entity Type are shown. With a filter, only Entities having Attribute values matching a filter are shown. If multiple filters are configured, only Entities fulfilling all filters are shown.
    • Add - Adds a new filter
    • Key - Attribute name to filter the Entities
    • Value - Value the Attribute needs to have to be shown in the Widget.
      • Multiple values can be specified by combining them with ||, like 1||2||3 or hello||hi.
      • If the Attribute is an array, at least one element in the array needs to match the value configured here so that the Entity is shown.
    • - Deletes the filter
  • Entity attributes (Attribute, display name, display order) - Configuration which Attributes of the Entities are shown in the Widget. A new column configuration can be added by pressing Add:
    • First field - Name of the Attributes as specified in the Entity Type
    • Second field - Alias of the Attributes to display as column name in the Widget. Obviously, this can be but need not be the same as the Name of the Attributes.
    • Third column - Positive integer specifying the display position of this column in the Widget.
    • - Deletes the column from the Widget
  • Hyperlinks - Creates hyperlinks of column entries. Such hyperlinks are used so that Users can navigate to other Dashboards or set Dashboard Parameter by a simple click.
    • Add - Adds a new hyperlink configuration.
    • Display attribute - Attribute name of the Entities displayed in this Widget that should be made into a hyperlink. I.e., here you select which column should become a hyperlink.
    • Value attribute - Value associated with the hyperlink. This can be the same as Display attribute but it can also be different. E.g., often Display attribute is the name of an Entity, while Value attribute is the ID.
    • Dashboard - Target of the hyperlink, i.e., this Dashboard is opened when the hyperlink is clicked by the Users. This can be the another Dashboard if a new Dashboard should be opened, or it can be the same Dashboard as this Widget is placed on, if the link should set a Dashboard Parameter.
    • Parameter name - Name of the Dashboard Parameter where the value set in Value attribute is put in.
    • Popup - Sets if the target Dashboard should be opened in a popup windows. This option is mutually exclusive to New tab.
    • New tab - Sets if the target Dashboard should be opened in a new browser tap. This option is mutually exclusive to Popup.
    • - Deletes the hyperlink configuration
  • Hide process history - Hides (Yes) or shows a (No) a link to the Instance that interacted with the Entity. The link is displayed in a dedicated column. If the setting Track Changes of the Entity Type is enabled, then the full history of the Entity is accessible. If Track Changes is disables, only the Instances that last interacted with the Entity is accessible.
  • Process filter - Allows you to limit Instances of which Processes should be shown in the process history. Hence, this options only work in conjunction with Hide process history set to No. Then, only Instance of Processes listed here will be shown. If no filter is configured here, all Instances will be shown. By clicking Add a Process can be added to the filter. By clicking on a Process can be deleted again.
  • Disable report button - Hides (Yes) or shows a (No) a button to create a Report of the Entity in the row the button is shown. The button is always shown in a separate column. Several things needs to be configured in order that the report generation works correctly:
    • The Entity Type selected in Entity type needs to have at least one Report configured. Multiple Reports per Entity Type are possible. Then, the Users have to select which Report they want.
    • The Data Query backing the Reports needs to have a Template configured
    • The Data Explorer Widget delivers the ID of the Entity which was clicked by the User as the Parameter @EntityId to the Data Query. Hence, the Data Query needs to accept this parameter and select the correct Entity to create the Report.
  • Page size - Number of rows displayed in the Widget at once.
  • Time zone - Time zone in which Date Time should be displayed. This can be either UTC (Utc) or the timezone of the browser displaying the Widget (Local).
  • Show process dropdown - Hides (Yes) or shows a (No) a button to start an Instance to modify the Entity in the row the button is shown. The button is always shown in a separate column. This configuration needs to be used together with Processes to edit entity, Process labels and Parameters for editing process (process parameter name -> entity attribute name):
    • Processes - Selects which Processes can be used to edit the Entity. By clicking Add a Process can be added to the list. By clicking on a Process can be deleted again.
    • Process labels - Sets a descriptive name for the Processes to edit the Entity. This name will be shows to the Users instead of the actual name of the Processes. Therefore, the list here must have the same order and length as the list in Processes to edit entity. By clicking Add a name can be added to the list. By clicking on a name can be deleted again.
    • Set start parameters to dashboard parameters (Key: start parameter, value: entity attribute) - Configures which Attributes of the Entity are passed to the new Instance as Start Parameters so that it can modify said Entity correctly. If this configuration is left empty, no Start Parameters are sent.
  • Filter by dashboard parameter (Key: attribute, value: dashboard parameter) - This configuration limits the shown Entities to those where an Attribute of the Entities matches the value of a Dashboard Parameter.
    • Add - Adds a new filter configuration
    • Key - Name of the Attribute to filter the Entities
    • Value - Name of the Dashboard Parameter holding the filter value.
    • - Deletes a filter configuration
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