
Article • 29.12.2018 • 1 minute(s) to read

Add Subscription

By clicking on Add subscription a new Subscription within the Novunex Account can be added.

Adding a new subscription to the Novunex Account

Subscription Overview

Is it a simulation - helps to identify and seperate test or development subscriptions from production environments. Based on the current theme, production subscriptions get highlighted.

  • Name - The name of the subscription, that can be edited
  • Api Subscription Key - The API key of that subscription (Can be regenerated at any time)

Regularly regenerating API keys helps to improve overall security and regulatory compliance.

Subscription Overview

  • Renew views - Regenerates core views that were not generated during an upgrade. In situations where existing Entity Types were named like new core tables, core views are not created (to improve compatibility to the existing entity types).