Subscription Settings

Article • 17.01.2021 • 2 minute(s) to read

Subscription Settings are name-value pairs that can be set via the Subscription Settings Editor and read from Activities. The name and value of Subscription Settings are always of type String. The scope of Subscription Settings is a complete Subscription over all Processes in it.

Subscription Settings can only be manually edited via the Subscription Settings Editor and cannot be automatically updated by Activities. Activities can read Subscription Settings but cannot update them.

The indented use of Subscription Settings is to set parameters from a central point and update them manually. An example for Subscription Settings would be an email address that is used to send emails by a Process.

How to add or update Subscription Settings is shown in this getting started guide.

Subscription Settings Editor

The Subscription Settings Editor is used to create, modify or delete subscription settings.

Sections of the Subscription Settings Editor

The Menu offers the following controls:

  • Add - Creates a new unnamed and empty Subscription Settings. After you clicked Add, you can enter the name and the value in the Name-Value Pairs section.
  • Import from CSV - You can import Subscription Settings from a CSV file. By clicking on this button, you can select a file and all lines in it are imported as Subscription Settings.
    • The first column is interpreted as the Subscription Setting names.
    • The second column is interpreted as the Subscription Setting values.
    • The third column is interpreted as the Subscription Setting description.
    • A comma , is required as separator.
    • An example content of valid a CSV file could be:
AnotherSetting,Another Value,Another Description
YetAnotherSetting,Yet Another Value, Yet Another Description
DifferentSetting,Different Value,Different Description
  • Cancel - Dismiss changes made to the Subscription Settings.
  • Save - Apply changes made to the Subscription Setting.

List of Subscription Settings

In this section you can enter or edit the name, value and description of all Subscription Setting. A Subscription Setting can be deleted by clicking on on the left of its name.